Every adult here on campus is here for one reason: to support your journey. We believe that an integrated, holistic support system is essential to any high school experience, and we’re committed to ensuring students have all the tools they need for success. Small classes, responsive advisors, supportive teachers and coaches, and our Learning Support Programs are all designed for student success.

GMVS’s Learning Support Programs accelerate student learning by providing individualized support beyond what classroom teachers and advisors offer. Learning Support Programs celebrate students’ strengths while helping them develop the skills and strategies necessary to become independent lifelong learners. Highly individualized support plans are designed to enhance students’ reading, writing, organization, time management and study skills, all while helping to develop their self-awareness and self-advocacy skills.

Support differs based on need. Some students may meet with the support team multiple times a week, while others may access writing assistance a few times a semester.

Non-Standard Testing Accommodations

GMVS’s Learning Support Program arranges for accommodations on classroom-based and standardized tests, such as the PSAT, SAT, or ACT. Students wishing to receive extended time in testing situations must have current comprehensive cognitive evaluations demonstrating their need for extended time on file at GMVS and must be approved by the College Board for extended time. Standardized tests like SATs and ACTs have their own application and review process for granting extended time to students; parents and students need to apply well in advance of testing dates.

Learning Support Programs for Students with Documented Learning Disabilities:

Tier 1

Tier 1 services are designed for students who need remediation, skill improvement, accommodations, and academic support. Individual students are paired with a learning specialist and meet together approximately three times per week. Working collaboratively, the specialist and student develop individualized learning plans and set goals in response to specific learning needs for both short and long-term academic success. Current assignments, papers, and labs are used as a platform from which students develop individualized tools and techniques for improving reading, writing and study skills.

Tier 2

Tier 2 services are designed for students who need academic skill enhancement in reading, writing, and study skills. Individual students are paired with a learning specialist and meet together approximately once per week. Students enrolled in Tier 2 services are expected to be self-directed in their work towards becoming informed, effective, independent self-advocates.

Tier 3

Tier 3 services are designed for students who need academic accommodations, including extended time, but are otherwise able to navigate their coursework with a private tutor or occasional support from their classroom teachers.